from leiper's fork, tennessee

award winning beef.

selective, small production

unparalleled flavor.

Pasture-raised, heirloom

angus & wagyu beef.

steak from the source

ranching done right.

Semler Cattle Company steaks come from heirloom Angus and Wagyu breeds that graze 250 acres of green, rolling hills in Leiper’s Fork Tennessee.

Our cattle are born and raised on the farm never exposed to antibiotics or hormones and humanely butchered. We’re a small production operation, and value quality over quantity to produce the best meat you’ve ever tasted.

no blended beef

our wagyu is
100% japanese.

no gimmicks

farm to
table beef.

filets fit for
the farmers market.

online shop

popular products.

leiper's fork, tennessee

a special place.

Our farm is one of the few places left on earth where the soil is rich enough, the air clean, and the water pure to produce the healthiest animals, and therefore the best tasting beef.


Locally Owned
and Operated

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